A skin cancer clinic that assists in the early detection of melanoma.

Avatar Imaging’s Melanoma Screening

The most advanced melanoma skin examination. 


Receive Your Melanoma Skin Check Today

Here at Avatar Imaging, we have your skin health at the forefront of our minds. While we focus on screening for all types of skin cancer, checking for melanoma skin cancer is a crucial part of our service.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that originates in the pigment-producing skin cells that give colour to your skin, hair, and eyes. 

Out of the 3 main categories of skin cancer, melanoma is the least common. However, it is the most dangerous form of skin cancer and if not treated early can lead to significant consequences including a higher risk of cancer spreading to other parts of your body.

If you have any of the following risk factors for melanoma, we recommend that you book a skin cancer check with us at Avatar Imaging today: 

  • Excessive sun exposure as a child 
  • History of sunburns
  • Suspicious spots, new or an existing mole
  • Family history of melanoma
  • Having fair skin, red or fair hair, or light eyes

Like all types of skin cancer, there is a greater likelihood of melanoma being treatable when it is detected early. With early detection, this type of skin cancer has less of a chance to spread to other parts of your body, therefore, removing the possibility of a challenging treatment like chemotherapy, radiation, or targeted therapy. If you suspect you have any sort of skin cancer risk or think you are showing signs of skin cancer, it is essential you receive a melanoma screening at your earliest opportunity. 

Whether you’re worried about your own skin or a family member is at risk of developing skin cancer, our advanced skin cancer clinic strives to give you peace of mind about possible skin cancers.

What does Avatar Imaging’s skin examination for melanoma include?

At Avatar Imaging, we have two tools available for our melanoma skin check to ensure all existing moles are captured for the best possible diagnosis.

The Vectra WB360 Scanner is a 3D total body photography tool that records 92 images and creates a 3D Avatar of your body for evaluation of normal moles or a suspicious spot.

The Dermoscan provides high-resolution magnified images for early diagnosis of melanoma.

Unless you are a qualified skin cancer professional, it will be difficult to perform a self-diagnosis on most melanomas. However, there are steps you can take to determine whether you need to book in for a melanoma scan at Avatar Imaging. 

The first test you can complete is the ABCDE rule. 

  1. Asymmetry: One half of the mole is different from the other. 
  2. Border: The edges of the mole are irregular.
  3. Colour: The colour of the mole is uneven. 
  4. Diameter: The mole is larger than 6 mm. In rare cases, the melanoma can be smaller. 
  5. Evolving: Ensure you are monitoring your moles over time, as changes in them can be a signifying factor of melanoma. 

The second test is to check for new or changing spots. A new mole may have appeared that differs from your other moles, or your existing spots may have changed their appearance. 

Along with these self-tests, it is important to also understand if you have a high risk of melanoma skin cancers. Those with fair skin and hair, a family history of melanoma, or a large number of moles, should be consistently receiving skin checks by a qualified healthcare professional. 

If any of your moles or spots are of concern to you, book a consultation with our friendly team at Avatar Imaging. All of the images from our skin checks you will have access to, therefore, you can use these images to assist in your skin self-exam to keep on top of your health.

There are 7 different types of melanomas that you can be diagnosed with. 

  1. Superficial Spreading Melanoma: The most common type, appearing as a flat or slightly raised discoloured patch.
  2. Nodular Melanoma: Usually appears as a raised bump, often dark in colour, and grows more quickly.
  3. Lentigo Maligna Melanoma: Starts as a large, flat tan or brown patch, commonly on sun-exposed areas in older adults.
  4. Acral Lentiginous Melanoma: Occurs on non-sun-exposed areas like the palms, soles, or under nails, and is more common in people with darker skin tones.
  5. Desmoplastic Melanoma: Rare and often appears as a firm, skin-coloured or slightly pigmented nodule.
  6. Mucosal Melanoma: Develops on mucous membranes, such as inside the mouth or nasal passages.
  7. Ocular Melanoma: Occurs in the eye, most commonly in the uvea (the middle layer of the eye).

Each melanoma must be found early to ensure easy treatment.

Our skin cancer screening process checks for all types of skin cancer. In checking for melanoma, we will also be able to identify if there is a risk of Basal Cell Carcinoma and/or Squamous Cell Carcinoma.